Back to the South Coast

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Making the best of this variable summer weather, I have painted a group of new pieces, all of them about the very special Devon coast south and west of Dartmouth. Almost twenty years ago I did a solo show for the Dart Gallery titled ' Coast Lines ' which was all about this coast, and I am enjoying going back there once more. It is familiar country for me - I've walked the coast paths, and sailed out from Dartmouth many times, heading south around Start Point and then west to Salcombe, sometimes past the Eddystone Lighthouse to Cornwall.
I am looking to bring a fresh interpretation to these familiar subjects. - the image above is of Bugle Hole, a cove near Mothecombe, where I painted years ago with the late and much-missed ceramicist Richard Godfrey, who had his studio close by.

This new set of work will be at the Dart Gallery in Dartmouth from Friday July 26th. ; their website. will have images and details.

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